Sunday, August 23, 2009


It happened again this morning. After my hair was washed *gasp* and dried *heartattack* they were there. 3 of them. Tall, erect, and ready to march.
Three gray hairs. Three people. I named them Landon, Harper and Tegan.


  1. Wow, they held off as long as they could. It was a valiant effort. (I've been plucking them for a year or so as well. It's a therapeutic bedtime ritual.) Mine are named Monday Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday, Stinky and FlapJack.

  2. FYI, as your stylist I feel an obligation to say that both you AND Becky have had grays before YOU could see them...:) Traumatizing, none-the-less.

  3. "The Gray Badge of Courage"....wear them proudly!
    Or, as older people will usually point out to you..."consider the alternative and be thankful"
    or...maybe, "they'll grow on you" ...pun intended.
    Be careful with that plucking suggestion unless you have as much hair as Roseanne Rosannadana!
