Monday, April 27, 2009

magical mini

With the arrival of the twins nearing (i.e. I felt like I was dying) Shaun and I thought it would be a good idea to get the manual out for my car. We wanted to look up the "logistics" of putting three carseats in the back of my car. This is what we found in bold letters...."WARNING even though there are 3 latch hooks DO NOT install three car seats under any circumstances ever or we will blow up your car after we drive over it with a monster truck." Cue the hormonal waterfalls. Aughhh. I cried for a day....would stop....picture "it" in my head and start crying again. I hated that i've said things like"i'll never drive a minivan ever..whawha." Who EVEN cares. seriously. as long as my lil ones are safe i'll do it. I'll sacrifice any ounce of coolness that I didn't even have to begin with and drive a mini.

So after an interesting (and luckily) five second drive home from the hospital. The search was on. 3 days later in the daze of what shaun and I now refer to as "being raked through the coals of hell" (just kidding girls, we love you ) we were the proud owners of this beast.

That was a compromise from what I really wanted which was this:

I also feel really special that I get to do things like this now:

Oh, and if anyone knows where I can buy this little treat please let me know


  1. I haven't laughed that many times from a blog post in a long time.

    I've been waiting for it... Spencer.

    (And, ok, I'm a little jealous of your (child) towing capacity. Gets me all bothered.)

  2. What a hoot girl.... I still think your cool even if you drive a Mini Van.... Remember safety first....

  3. You have a sweet ride, even with out the flames on the side. I think if you lower it, add hydraulics and some spinning rims and perhaps paint it half neon green and half purple, you could totally pull it off...

  4. Is that the same "mini" dead in the driveway ready for escape? Cheer up sweetie,....just another adventure!

  5. That's okay...we had to resort to a minivan when number 3 came along, too. Someone thought it would be a problem if we could only ever transport two of them at a time.
