Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Thank you outside for existing

You know that scene in The Simpsons when Homer licks the back of a toad in substitute for beer, his pupils dilate and he is suddenly transported to a magical world.....That is what happens when Landon steps outside. It's like something just clicks inside him and he must do everything and anything "boy".

First and foremost, we find a stick or an object that looks or can function as a stick would. i.e broom, shovel, misc. metal poles we have in our garage. It is then placed into the dirt and beaten by another stick-like object. Once we are bored with that, we then turn the stick into a spear and chase the dog with it. Which inevitably ends with falling into dirt, dog poop, or random puddle even though it hasn't rained in days.

After that, we bring it down a notch and start poking ants with the stick. Which always leads to me to explaining that ants are living and have feelings too blah blah blah...So then it turns into an ant hunt which miraculously will occupy him for longer then 5 seconds. After we tire of the ants we might try something more "normal" like dig in the dirt for worms. As soon as all these activities are completed it's as if there's is a collected sigh of "okay, now I can swing or ride my bike or play in the sandbox"


  1. All the things I have to look forward to, right?

    Still laughing at Homer's dilated pupils.

  2. Goodie goodie...a new favorite blog to add to my list! Dory you are such a good writer I cannot wait to follow your adventures online!
