Monday, June 22, 2009

eyes sometimes lie.....

I am currently collecting photos to write a photographic essay on the
"golden months" of baby hood. We have turned that 6 month corner and
life is hitting its stride.
So until then, feast your eyes on this magnificent little being...
Shaun spotted this little guy on Sunday. I was convinced it was a baby hummingbird.

I am obsessed. It's a hummingbird moth and it's my new best friend. Landon was flipping out trying to catch it of course, and eventually it gave up and flew off. I must find the plants this little friend feeds on and grow them all over my yard. Crazy how this bug has existed all this time without me knowing. tragic. Now that I am aware of his presence, I will for sure be watching all the time for visits from my mystical friend.


  1. WHAT?! How on earth is this not the most TERRIFYING thing that happened to you this week?! All I can think abvout is Tommy Boy in the hotel room with the vacuum.

  2. OOOHHH, awesome! I wish I knew how to post a picture here of the mothra friend I made down in Ohio. I'll put it on your FB page.

  3. Once, and only once I actually saw a LUNA MOTH up close out at "the Pines" one night. If you liked this hummingbird need to see the Luna! Google it and see if you don't agree Mrs. Kipker!
