Wednesday, May 27, 2009

new lessons

In my large effort these days not to judge, I have had several moments of strange clarity and lessons. I guess I don't really know what to call it. The other day, I finally had my moment.
It was a Sunday morning and I had a killer headache, no meds. Buzzed over to walgreens where I saw a man, pretty dirty/rough looking sitting on a bench. While everyone else walked by (not judging) I noticed he was kind of wobbling, possibly drunk. My initial reaction was whoa, that dudes totally wasted, on a Sunday morning yikes.

So I walked into the store and while I was in there picking out my pain killers and water to wash them down with immediately, I thought to myself, "who am I to shake my finger at that man for what he is" I am bringing him some water because he looks like he needs some bad. The doubt and questing comes flooding in "what if he's offended, what if he's slaps it out of my hand and starts swearing at me" etc. etc....Why not trying to judge am I judging? ugh. So I head outside and he's still there. I slowly approach ready to hand the bottle and walk away when he suddenly stands up and walks off (or rather, stumbles off) which totally burst my courage bubble and I swiftly got back in my car. I don't really know where I am going with this story. I am not telling it to try and make myself feel better for a deed I didn't even get to do. Who knows what the outcome would've been. I guess I just want that dude to know that someone did notice him and didn't shake their head at him, and didn't feel sorry for him, in fact, if Landon was there, he probably would've walked right up to him and called him a "ductor"

1 comment:

  1. Dory, you are so dear to me....
    that's all I can say.
