Thursday, May 7, 2009

Tegan and "other Tegan"

I just realized I have written very little about the girls. I have no idea why that is. It's probably because anything I say about them will sound cheesy. For example: They are so stinkin cute it's not even funny. I just want to squish their chubby legs constantly. The girls have changed our lives in way's I am just now beginning to understand and work out. NOTHING can prepare you for twins. It's been a fascinating ride, that's for sure.
Tegan is such a little fire. I predict she is going to be my child full of sass and I will be breaking up squabbles between her and landon on a daily bases. She came into this world butt first and she's gonna let everyone know about it.

Harper is my old soul. There is something about her eyes. It's almost as if you can hear her thinking. She's constantly observing. I can see her as the sister Landon and Tegan both confide in. She is totally wise beyond her years. I have high hopes for this one being my child that won't stick things in the outlets and flush items down the toilet that the plumber has to remove.
side note, I am off to get ready for a momma's night out with a dear friend. NO KIDS. Can you imagine the conversation possibilities.


  1. Hey, way to go finding the hyperlink button. I couldn't do that until at LEAST 3 months in. And our husbands better hope we decide to come back tonight. I'm going to make it really special and SHOWER. Aren't you excited?

  2. Dory, your kids all look like dolls. I mean they look like adorable kids dolls! It is such a good thing that you are still allowing your creative juices to is a survival instinct I think. I love the things you create and really hope you look for a way to market them because you WILL be a success with your talent!

  3. Good God, I love your blog. (Even though it just made me snort my water up my nose. Or maybe BECAUSE of that...)
