Wednesday, May 27, 2009

chaos level 99%`

So Shaun and I started measuring our household chaos level. It's a fun little game. For instance, one baby crying, one baby eating, one toddler choosing to poop on potty at that exact moment, I'd shout out 67%..... Both babies crying, toddler whining, Shaun moving in furniture, neighbor's dog running into house, toddler escaping outside, dinner sitting at the table from 2hours ago =100% Doesn't really dip below 50% until after 8.

I've also been watching my poor little guy suffering from allergies these past few weeks. It kills me. I just wish I could take his eyes out, soak them in benedryl, and stick em back in. The poor guy has 2 inhalers, meds, and even a sedative for his flair ups and eczema hot spots. As most of you are familiar with Landon, the sedative brings him down to a 'normal' activity level. whatever normal means.

I love his sense of the world right now. We drove by Wendy's the other day and there was a man outside sweeping the sidewalk with his hat and apron on to which Landon screams out "ductor, ductor" or in adult speak, train conductor. "Wow dude", I said, "looks like he lost his train," lets go help him find it!" In this moment of trying to play along with him, I realized what an amazing lesson I was learning from my 2 year old.

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