Tuesday, January 19, 2010


My new key to survival has been found through the most unlikely of sources.
The girls bring it offerings as if it were some god from outer space, they circle it, giggle with joy and clap as it blows stinky vacuum air in their faces.

The boy, shrivels, hides quietly in the corner and plays as if to say "if she thinks I am playing good, she won't come near me" He keeps one eye on me at all times and any sudden movement that might mean I am coming anywhere near him, he flinches and crumbles into a million little pieces. Yes folks, it is that dramatic when the vacuum comes out. I have decided to use it as a personality test for my children. I sometimes leave it in the middle of the room and watch in wonder as they approach it. The boy is all about it's parts and pieces and pretend "cleaning" when it's off. The girls, still interested will smack it push it etc.

However, when turned on, the boy runs in terror and the girls come alive shrieking and clapping. It's especially funny if you leave it plugged in while turned off in the middle of the room. Someone's bound to accidentally turn it on while poking and prodding it, now that's a show.


  1. Yet another of your stories I'd love to see illustrated.

  2. Good one, Dory! I am so glad you are blogging again. It is just another explosion of your creative talentS. I hope you have a bagless vacuum so you can delight your girls with the "gorp factor" of emptying what your magic machine sucks up...
